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Who Changed More?

"Of course we shouldn't have tried the magic mushrooms, but please stop complaining, my dear husband. The magic mushrooms changed me too. In fact, Pat, I think they changed me more than they changed you."

"Are you nuts, Carol? Completely nuts? They changed me into a girl, for gosh sakes, and also made me 4 inches shorter. Now I have girl tits! They just made you into a sexier girl."

"Calm down, Pat. You changed into a girl, while I was already one. You are right, that is sure a change. And you are right that you now are 4 inches shorter, only 5'5" now. But I am now 8 inches taller than I was - now I am 5'10". So we are even. In one way you changed more, but in the other way I changed more."

"But, but, but, now I have tits. I used to be flat chested."

"True. B cups, I'd say. And that sure does follow from you being a girl, so it does not seem fair to count your new tits as a separate change from you turning into a girl. However, its am improvement over your old chest isn't it? Do you like it when I do this?" (She licks, kisses and then sucks on his tits.) Pat pants. "You really, really like it, don't you? Admit it." She stops, although keeping one hand on each nipple.

Gradually Pat's breathing slows down. "Carol, you are distracting me terribly - I can't think straight. The issue we were discussing is, "Who changed more", not whether I like having my new tits sucked. I do, of course it feels great. The point is that I now have girl tits, while you have had girl tits all along."

"True - you went from flat to B cup. But I went from an A cup to a D cup. So I changed more than you did in the chest department. Three sizes to your two. I'm up by one as far as who changed more."

"But, but -- OK. But my cock is now a clit - it shrank roughly 6 inches. Did your clit grow more than 6 inches?"

"Of course not, no. But I think it did grow a bit. Let me find out." (Carol grabs Pat and kisses him, rubs her own clit with one hand while rubbing on Pat's tits with the other. After a few minutes Carol comes, and then comes again. After she calms down, she looks down, and resumes the conversation.) "I'd say my clit grew roughly ½ an inch. You win this round. This makes us even so far as changes go."

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