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I changed into the outfit I wore on the day I met Antonio and smoked the half of the joint that makes me feel more like myself. Grabbing my purse, I hurried down to 'The Breeze'.
Antonio was sitting at one of the booths in the back. Once my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, I saw him waving at me. I told the bartender want I wanted and sat down opposite him. Then he got up and moved to my side, which I thought was sweet. He put his arm around me and said, "Hi."
It felt good sitting here with Antonio. So much had happened since the last time I saw him and I couldn't wait to tell him. "Hi," I replied. But before I could say anything he said, "So what's going on, Sunny? Does this have anything to do with that old dude I saw you leaving with last night?"
I guess he did see me. "Yes and no," I cringed.
"What do you mean, yes and no?"
I proceeded to tell him everything that happened the day before. He sat there quietly listening, mouth agape in wonder.
"Are you just making this up as an excuse for going out with this guy?" He didn't believe me.
"I swear to you Antonio, it's the truth. If you don't believe me come to the show Thursday night."
"I'll just have to do that. See my little sissy girl on the boards, as they say in the business."
Calling me his little sissy girl made me blush, "I'll leave your name at the box office."
"Free ticket?"
"It's the least I can do."
"Okay, then what's the deal with the old dude?"
"Well, he is one of the guys that finances our little group. His name is Mark and after seeing me dressed yesterday, it seems he has developed a slight crush on me or her and he's not that old."
Antonio laughed out loud. "Rich boy fantasies, should I be jealous?"
"No, I just have to humor him. It will probably only last until he meets someone better looking or the new wears off."
"Impossible, sweetheart, once you've been bitten by the Sunny bug, you're hooked and I'm speaking from experience."
My turn to laugh, "You are so funny."
"I know, that's what you like about me, isn't it?" He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

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