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The Interview

Now the two women wanted to take it up a thousand notches, they wanted me to become more of a sissy, more of a bimbo, more of a sexy slut. All pink and girlie, all for the men of this world. They were hoping I was going to make the two of them money. I said sure, they made me nervous I did whatever they asked me to. They were very convincing and filled my heart with promises and my closet with more clothes and accessories.

Now I was on an elevator heading to an interview to get a man to fuck me.

It was great for my career.


I took a deep breath, the elevator opened, I didn't want to get off. The doors closed and went up a couple more floors. More people got on, one man smiled and complimented me. I smiled back and pressed the button for nine. I watched him through the mirror as I played with my hair, he wouldn't know it but it was his smile that got me to get off at nine.

The door opened. There was a tall, dark man right in front of the elevator when I got off, he was carrying a clipboard, he had a kind smile on his face. "Hi I'm Colton, are you here to meet Adam?"

"I think so."

He took my hand, then looked at his clipboard. "Wendy?" He looked up.

"Mmm, that's me."

He led me into one of the rooms. It was big, there was a conference table set up with phones on one side and a full living area and kitchen on the other. There was another door and I heard music playing beyond it. Colton gave me a bottle of water and I poured it into a glass. He noticed I was nervous.

"Relax a little."

I was still surveying the room as he went and set up a couple of cameras, monitors, and lights. I watched myself on one of the screens, he zoomed in to focus, the blonde was taking off her bag and little jacket. I fixed my breasts and hair, I admired my bare shoulders and hairless arms, I was thinking it didn't even look like me on the screen behind the man. Usually, I wore long flowing dresses or sometimes skater skirts, they were my favorite. I had a closet full of them, and my legs looked so nice in them. I liked looking like a woman, I was too jumpy, looking like a fantasy.

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