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The Greatest Lie Part 14

"So how do I know you're not the same old creep? Obviously, you're still gossiping with the same old Uni losers," I said sardonically.

"Of course I am. I have to finish a couple a of units to graduate. I got slightly screwed up hanging with Miguel's set last year, but I am out of that scene. I am graduating next week, and then I am going to the Police Academy. So I really am grateful to you for not ruining my record with that terrible thing I participated in."

"That's very noble of you. Am I supposed to salute or something?"

"No, you don't have to do anything. I am just trying to tell you that like you, I am living a different life now. No more gangbanging for me."

"I get it. You fix lattes for me now, and traffic tickets later"

Seth laughed with roguish charm. "You got that right. You can drive as fast as you want in this town." Then he again clasped my hands in his and asked, "Will you forgive me? I'd really do anything for you if you would."

"We'll see about that," I replied coyly. I looked at my watch and said unhappily "God, it's time for me to go back to that hellhole and talk to those idiots in the principal's office. I have to get my transcripts straightened out."

"What do you mean, I thought you were the academic superstar," he protested.

"I am. But I'm Alexandra Rivers now."

He nodded matter-of-factly. "Yeah, and the whole school knows it. You'd better let me come with you. No one will fuck around with you if I'm there. I just got my black belt, and believe me, I've kicked plenty of asses around here, including Miguel's and Jack's."

We began walking arm in arm back down Westgate to University High School.

"I thought you weren't hanging with Miguel and Jack anymore."

"I'm not," he replied, "but they didn't let go so easily."

"What are those two losers up to?" I asked warily.

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