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Ride of My Life

I'm sat on a hard stool, high heels squeezed on my feet like Cinderella and my hair brushed. I wiggle my toes gleefully anticipating more feminisation. Jill heats up some odd appliance and my long hair is tonged into ringlets. She then brushes them out for what she called a messy wavy look. She pinned it loosely at the nape of my neck and added grips strategically. I couldn't see what she was doing but it felt great. I felt like a cat with the cream as they fussed over me, the girls chatting animatedly as they make-up my face. Twenty minute later I've a soft foundation, startling long lashes, naturally arched brows, dramatic eye framing mascara, large pouting, glossed lips and sexy eye-shadow. My cheeks have a rosy pink blusher and they have that just pinched look. Tina clips on some dangly earrings and Julia pulls three bangles on my slender wrist. Jill sprays me with a floral perfume and I'm hauled back to my feet - complete. The girls look at me in wonder.
'She's fantastic,' Tina smiled enthusiastically, 'devastatingly attractive.'

'Maybe but doesn't he look a complete sissy?' adds Julia.

'Precisely and I do believe,' Mary says triumphantly, 'our new girl enjoys being a sissy.'

The girls all nod and the room is filled with dramatic oohs and arhs as they point out favourite bits to each other. Tina loved my hair, Julia my legs, Jill my tits and Mary my dress. Me I loved everything. Even my old bubble-gum pink bike, my initial source of ridicule had some magnetic appeal. A strange fascination that begged me to ride it. Dressed as I was I wanted to get on the saddle. To feel my tiny heels on the pedals, my heavy boobs sway like pendulums, my skirt flap, the wind in my hair, my panties on the seat and my bright painted nails on the handlebars.

I'm bundled to a full-length mirror and released. They stand back keen to see my reaction. I want to scream with anger but my femininity gets the better of me and years of suppression are swept away. I'm beautiful and I look like a sexy babe despite being in the garish outfit. My jaw drops as I stare at my reflection in bewilderment. I feel like a sexy young girl who for the first time stole their mums mascara. I look amazing. I'm ecstatic and confident, desperate to show off.

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