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Old Folks Part 2

We had been driving about an hour with Frank & Honey chatting between themselves mostly. They made some small chat with me a few times until we arrived at our destination - a nice country house. We parked the car among all the others and walked up the large gravel driveway to the old big house. The house was a typical old style Georgian mansion with big windows and pillars before the huge main doors, as we got closer I saw it said "Dr. Phillips Practice".

"Right, Maria, whatever is said you go along with it and sound convincing or else!" said Honey as she linked arms with me. She pulled me close as we went through the main doors. Inside was a big hall, which was busy with people, Honey and I sat down while Frank went to the reception desk.

"What are we here for Honey?" I asked however I got no answer. I looked around the room and noticed at least two men looking at me. Frank came back down and said that the Doctor wouldn't be long. Soon a chap came down the big flight of stairs in a suit he was medium build and Asian. He came over to us and asked for me by name. We then followed him through a small door in the waiting room, which was like some consultation room.

"So Maria. Your Auntie and Uncle have informed me your going through gender re-assignment and you'd like to have breast implants, botox injection in your lips and imparts in your buttocks. Is that correct?"

All was now revealed what we were doing here and what I was going to receive. "Yes Doctor" I replied.

"How long have you been under going gender re-assignment? Did a Doctor prescribe you the hormones?"

"I've been under going hormone treatment for about four to five months doctor. No, my hormones were brought from a transgender store."

"Ok Maria, what size are your breasts now? Are the hormones working? Have you noticed any changes?"

"My breasts are B cup, but I wear fake breasts to make them bigger. Yes the hormones are working, my skin is softer I don't need to shave any more, my figure has become more curvy and my penis is unable to get a erection."

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