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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 6

"I'll do everything I can to make John the best wife he could ever hope to have!" she laboriously sobbed.

However, as one might expect, the Almighty did not provide an immediate answer to Mike's prayers. Instead, as was His wont, God elected to let the situation play itself out.

Ten minutes later, dawn arrived, and with it, Mike's manhood.

It happened in the flickering of an instant. One moment, Mike was as female as female could be, the next, he was back to being his old masculine self, as were the various items of clothing he was wearing.

The odd thing was, Mike found his return to manhood unsettling. He felt an almost overwhelming sense of strangeness, a strangeness that was analogous to that which a seafarer experiences upon returning to land, having spent an extended period at sea. He was discombobulated, and regardless of the fact that he was wearing his trusty docksiders, rather than a pair of stiletto heels, he was extremely unsteady on his feet.

"This is really weird!" Mike muttered to himself. "Why am I having so much trouble readjusting to being a man again? Hell! Save for the few short hours I spent as a woman, damn if I haven't had this body all my life! So, why in the hell does my being a man again feel so unnatural? I mean, I feel so awkward, so ungainly, so. so. so. so unladylike, all of a sudden!"

The strangeness quickly passed, but not so his damn near debilitating sense of uneasiness. Though he had only been a woman for a few short hours, Mike was unequivocally sure of one thing. He dearly wanted to be one again, and remain one for the rest of rest of his life.

Exiting the bedroom and coming face to face with his boyhood friend was probably the hardest thing that Mike ever had to do. However, having taken a few minutes to compose himself, Mike, aware that he reached the point where it was shit-or-get-off-the-pot time, opened the bedroom door and stepped boldly into the suite's sitting room.

"Hey, pal!" a slightly startled John looked up, and offhandedly inquired. "How's it hanging?"

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