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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 1

With a chuckle infesting his voice, John endeavored to get in a cheap shot at his friend's expense. "And, may I say, for the record, as a girl you, my friend, are an uncontested knockout! And, I'm not shitin' you, pal! On a scale of one to ten, you rate right in as a solid twelve!"

Then, having hastily reevaluated his previous statement, John blurted, "No! Forget that shit! You're so far beyond a paltry twelve it isn't funny!"

Feeling immensely flattered by her friend's backhanded compliment, Mike could not help but blush as she drolly replied, "Yeah. and I bet you lay that line on all the girls, who are really guys, that you've had an occasion to dance with. But, seriously, getting back to what I was saying, though you'd think that I would have a hard way to go making the transition from thinking like a girl to thinking like a guy and vice versa, the truth of the matter is, I don't. I really don't."

"You don't?" John's skepticism was clearly conveyed.

"No, I don't. I really, truly don't. I mean, you'd think the transition from one mindset to the other would throw me for a loop, but for some reason or another, it doesn't phase me in the least little bit. If it did, I'd be so embarrassed by all the contradictions I'd be dealing with that I seriously doubt that I'd be able to live with myself!"

"And, why is that?"

"Well, let's just say that some of the things that I've been thinking about while my mind's in sync with this scintillating new body of mine wouldn't sit at all well with what would, under other circumstances, be that manly attuned mind of mine. I mean, I know without the shadow of a doubt that my male ego couldn't been to cope with some of the girlish thoughts that I've been entertaining were it not for the fact that Magatrix made it easy for me to make the necessary mental adjustments."

Intrigued, John urged, "Could you perhaps give me a for-instance?"

Sheepishly, with a degree of trepidation clearly conveyed in that sultry and ever so sexy voice of hers, Mike endeavored to explain the situation as she perceived it. "Well, for starters, ask yourself this question. Would I be dancing with you right now if I still possessed my normal manly mindset?"

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