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I am Baaack! Part 5

While she hadn't seen it in Rose; she had only met her once, that last Friday. Still, there had been a nagging doubt as to her complete subjugation, for she seemed to have given in too easily. Joan, being a pragmatist herself, had put that down to Rose making the best of a bad situation. What would she do when alone with Adain and Salielah?

Adain had not called, though, and when Joan had contacted him for her usual six weeks checkup - Joan liked to think of the first six weeks as her warranty period - Adain had raved about Rose and how happy he was with her, no problems at all. Salielah had commented on how well Rose was taking to her household duties.

Joan had expected that to be the last of Rose. Secretly, in what passed for a heart, Joan hoped Rose was happy; she had instantly taken a liking to the girl - and she had definitely been a girl - she had met that Friday night. She had been glad to be convinced that Rose had made the sensible decision, that she did not have to make Rose deformed or ugly. Thus, two years later, when Adain had contacted her telling her of Rose's accident and asking if she had any word of her, she had been hoping to find the girl alive and had instigated a line of inquiry. That line had dried up, however, and up till fifteen minutes ago, she believed Rose to be dead.

She wasn't. She was at Vaingirls. She hadn't been told that, but she had recognized Jessica's voice. Joan made it her business to know as much as possible about anything that went down among Chicago's transgendered community. It was good for business. In fact, Joan had quite a good reputation among transsexuals, not just in Chicago, but worldwide; her TG slavery operations (medical and business) remained, of course, secret. She had few complaints and a great deal of praise, public and private, from her cosmetic surgery clients, whether male, female, or transgendered. Her transsexual SRS clients raved about the intensity and number of the orgasms they achieved through "Dr. Adkins' vagina". She was, she acknowledged with no false modesty, what virtually everyone else said was true: she was, simply, the best in the business.

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