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Heather in Leather

"Don't be," she said smiling. "Normally, I never talk to anyone back here. It's usually a bunch of creepy, horny old men. Gross. But you seem like a normal kind of guy."

"I'm not so sure. Do "normal" guys get turned on by Shemale porn?" Dan said, feeling much more comfortable.

"Good point," she laughed at his joke. "My name is Heather."

She was holding out her hand, and Dan reached out and shook it. Firm grip, he noted. "Nice to meet you. I'm Dan."

Who would have thought that you could meet a girl in the XXX room of a video rental store? They had exchanged phone numbers that day, and had planned a date for Friday night.

When Friday night arrived, Dan called Heather and they chose to meet at the local bar in their neighborhood. The place was busy, but not packed. Dan looked for a table, and saw that Heather was already here, and she was sitting at a booth way in the back of the place.

"Hi Heather," he said, sliding into the booth. "Have you been here long?"

"Nope, I just got here." She pointed to her full drink, for proof.

"I'm going to get a Beer. Can I get you anything?"

"Do you want to do a shot?" she asked.

"I would love to. What's you drink of choice?"


Dan did a double take. "That's weird. That's what I drink."

"I guess we have something else in common." Heather smiled mysteriously, like she had a secret.

The night passed quickly. Easy conversation, games of pool, choosing music for the jukebox, cigarettes and drinks filled the hours they spent together. They had only just met, but they were very comfortable with each other. As they got to know each other, it was amazing how compatible they were. And as the night went on, the two flirted more and more. Some of it was sexual innuendo, and some was physical. When they were playing pool, Heather moved behind Dan as he was bent over the table for a shot, and squeezed his ass. Dan missed the shot, but didn't care.
There was a chemistry building.

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