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Florida TG Experience

The first club we went into was average typical strip bar but this had male strippers on the stage. We stayed for about an hour, and went to the second place. This we found much better and they had a female impersonator on stage. She was also a great comedian. The waitress came over and asked if I was a pilot? I said yes. She said her name was Jill, and she and some friends flew to the Bahamas and she recognized me. I introduced Jan and we chatted. She said she would return on her break. I asked Jan; what did you think of her? Jan said she is attractive and sexy. Jill was wearing very short tight dress so you could see a little ass check. Jill has black hair and a great body but you could tell she was somewhat masculine. Still; she was a pretty girl. Jill came over in about 15 minutes and brought a beautiful Asian-American girl with her and introduced her as Kim her roommate, and we all had a nice chat. Jill asked what brought us out to clubs. Jan said we have been working on our home and have not been out for 6 months and wanted a night out for fun. Jill said she would be off in another half hour if we could wait they were going to another after hour’s club where we could dance.
We arrived at the next club we waited in line and both Jill and Kim met us. We were only a few minutes and we were in. I bought a round of drinks and we decided to dance. Jill and Jan were dancing very fronttage (fron.tahz) style and very erotic. Jan would back into Jill and rub her butt sideways on Jill’s crotch. I was not sure but maybe it was making Kim a little jealous. Kim was with me I wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered in her ear, I hope you are not jealous of those two. She said no lets’ just enjoy ourselves. Kim was stunning, and took her butt backed into me and danced the same. She could tell I was aroused already and I wanted to take it easy of I would have cum in my pants. We all four were dancing enjoying being sexy and had a great time. We met other couples and TG girls there it was nice. Kim whispered to me; ‘I think Jill wants to make it with your wife’. I said Jan and I are good friends not married; we actually wanted to fulfill each other’s fantasy. The only think wrong with this dance club bar, was it smoky, they did not adhere to a non-smoking law but allowed smoking in one area.

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