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Dirty Black Summer Chapter 3

Even though Larry's mind had successfully connected many of the dots, communicating that thought into action in his extremities proved to be more difficult for Summer's spastic Husband. You could see several muscles throughout his naked body twitching and trying to fire as he tried to formulate a physical response, but the combination of cocaine and liquor in his system prevented his initial attempts at retribution from ever getting off the ground.

When he finally did muster the equilibrium to make a lunge towards Trina, she calmly stepped back and left Larry grasping nothing but thin air. With Larry off balance and teetering on the edge of the bed, Trina uncorked one hell of a well practiced karate kick that landed in the center of his exposed sternum.

A bellowing howl shot from Larry's lips when he felt the sharp tip of Trina's high heel pierce his skin, not to mention the sheer force of the blow which ejected him backwards on the bed.

Using the window of opportunity Trina had created for herself, she quickly darted towards the leather purse with the hidden camera and grabbed it off the table. The image on the laptop's screen instantly started to jumble and bounce when Trina tucked the purse under her arm and started towards the door.

From the sound coming through the feed however, you could tell she was fishing for Plan B inside the purse as the sound of Larry's approaching footsteps and inhuman groans filtered through the connection.

Plan B thankfully consisted of a full loaded pistol I'd tucked inside the purse, just in case.
Through the speaker on the laptop, you could hear a slurred and non-stop flurry of expletives streaming from Larry's mouth as the sound of his struggle with Trina sent chills of fear coursing through me and Summer. I even looked up on the dashboard and started to reach for my cell phone to call 911 when the sudden sound of a pistol's hammer being pulled back caused a sudden pall of silence to leak through the computer.

"God damn...You fucking Freak," Larry's voice finally came through, sounding just like a man who had a gun pointed between his eyes. "You're gonna come up here and pull this stunt, get me naked, then shoot me dead?"

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