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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 3

Riley Finn, the undercover commando who captured demons and other "subhumans" as an agent of the top secret military operation known as the Initiative, also taught Buffy bittersweet lessons about loving and leaving someone. She'd loved him as far as she'd been able to do so, but, despite giving him her body and her heart, she'd kept the deepest, most central part of herself-her soul-from him. She'd not been able to become one hundred percent his, not after having been betrayed by Angel. She'd never again place herself in the position of loving someone else so completely that she risked the heartbreak that followed a lover's abandonment.

In the end, Riley had sought solace in the arms of female vampires, feeling needed because of their need: in letting them suck his blood, he had provided not only nourishment to them, but life itself. Being the source of life to them had been more than emotionally satisfying; it had filled him with a sense of power and vitality; it had made him feel like a god. For a time, it had allowed him to remain with Buffy, more used than loved by her and a thing of convenience to her, to be fucked or sucked at her pleasure and otherwise largely ignored. On a level deeper than the Slayer had realized, however, Buffy, in her own way, had genuinely cared about Riley. When he left, she'd felt as if she would die. She hadn't, though. She'd survived this loss as she had so many others, and it had made her stronger-or, at any rate, it had made her harder, colder, and crueler.

Spike had also taught Buffy how to love and hate and how to gain and hold the upper hand in a relationship. From him, she'd learned both to be "love's bitch" and to be the mistress of such a bitch. Lead a guy on; then, when he was most vulnerable and needy, sexually and emotionally, either leave him or make him act against his own nature to attain temporary, fleeting gratification. Before long, he'd be completely in Buffy's power, and she could exercise divine-like powers over him, becoming a goddess whom he would worship just for a little pussy or a ten-minute blowjob. Men were so easy, she thought, smirking, even when they were undead!

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