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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 13

"Look at me," Baphomet commanded.

Obediently, Buffy raised her head, her hollow, empty eyes gazing upon the magnificent devil seated upon the stone throne, his huge cock stuffing Willow's cunt. Buffy wanted to look away, to avert her eyes. Baphomet's gaze was fiery and intense, like glowing coals. They seemed to burn into Buffy's heart and soul. However, to look away would be to invite the devil's wrath, for he had told her to look at him, and he had not given her permission to look away.

"You have acquitted yourself well-so far," the devil informed Buffy, "but one match remains. If you survive it, you will pit yourself against me in a final contest. If you win, you may take Willow and return to your homeland. If you lose, you will join the witch as my consort and live here, with me, forever. Do you understand?"

Buffy nodded, not trusting her voice. She was afraid her words might waver or that she might cry.

Baphomet shoved Willow, and the witch stumbled away from him, tripping on one of the stairs that led up to the throne, and slid through a pool of demon semen, coming to a stop a few feet from Buffy. The devil stood, and Buffy saw its round, firm, high tits. Baphomet, like her, was a hermaphrodite-well, not quite. He was even more of a travesty of human sexuality than she was, for, despite her cock and balls, she had retained her cunt as well as her breasts, whereas the devil who now stood before her, cock erect, had no pussy. Instead, Baphomet had only the sexual accoutrements of the male sex, except for the beautiful, womanly breasts that adorned his chest. He was like Buffy-in her present, transformed state-but he was also different from her. Besides, Buffy's hermaphroditic state was the result of her having been bitten by a Feral demon; Baphomet's was self-induced, chosen. A spark of Buffy's inner fire flared. Her hesitant gaze became a glare. Baphomet grinned. The contest was far from over.

The next demon to challenge Buffy had a feminine form.

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