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Angel on the Stage

Still holding the separate sides of the bustier, she held one breast in either hand and spread them apart, showing off the entire cleft between them, just barely keeping her nipples covered by the edges of the garment. While her hips did a bump and grind, she cupped the succulent globes in her hands, smiling at the audience who, although she couldn't see them, were raptly anticipating what would happen next.

What happened was that the music stopped. As it did, Angel lowered both her hands, while still holding the bustier, letting her breasts spill over the top of her costume. While the audience collectively gasped at the delightful sight, she stood on the stage, moving her body slowly from side to side, letting everybody get a look at more of what they had come to see, and shaking them at the crowd. Extra loud cheering resulted but, once again she pulled her bustier up so it was covering her breasts, blew a kiss to the audience and skipped toward her exit from the stage. Just as she reached it, Angel turned around to face the audience, waved, and pulled the bustier away, showing off her breasts again as she did, and gaily announced "Don't go away. I'll be right back."
Her promise was greeted by thunderous applause and shouts of "Hurry back" and "I'll be waiting," and similar expressions of their appreciation.

Once backstage, Angel put the microphone on the shelf reserved for it, where it would be available if she wanted to make an announcement to the audience again. She was through singing for the night, and the rest of the show would consist of dancing and removing her clothing. She had already decided to take off more than she had promised Jo, but Angel was still undecided just how much. One thing she removed was her shoes, leaving her barefoot, because her dancing would be more strenuous than it had been, and she didn't want to risk stumbling. Her bustier stayed on, still held in place by her hands. Angel could hear the crowd buzzing, and they sounded excited. She certainly hoped so. There were no chairs scraping on the floor, which would have meant people standing up, perhaps to leave, and, when she looked out, everybody was still in their seats, waiting for her promised return. She was especially glad to see the distinguished stranger, and wondered what he thought of her so far.

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