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A Night Out To Remember

How did this evening get so out of hand? Then the music changed from the fast dance music that was popular in the clubs and bars to a slower romantic ballad style. I thought that it was time to go back to our drinks and chat some more but Garry simply took my hand and pulled me close to his chest. I surprised myself by not resisting and suddenly found myself pressed gently to his warm strong body. As we danced I became more comfortable with the situation and even started to enjoy it As we swayed to the music he moved a little closer and I even leaned towards him and it was then I felt something I definitely did not expect to feel pressing against my belly. It was his cock and although it was soft it still felt a lot bigger than I thought it would feel. I realised that I had actually thought about how big his cock was when I had looked at his crotch earlier and how it would feel pressed against me. I tried to pull away slightly but found I didn't want to. I liked the feel of this man's body and wanted to stay there for a little longer. I felt warm and safe even though I knew he thought I was someone else or at least something other than a man dressed in a pale blue dress and lace panties.

The song changed and in that moment as one finished and next began, he lowered his head and I looked up and our lips met. It was a tentative kiss at first but when I didn't pull away the kiss became more romantic and then passionate. I didn't want it to begin and had been dreading the awkward moment when he would try but that was before the slow dance and now I didn't want it to end. We kissed for what seemed like forever but it was only a few moments. The kiss had a strange effect on me and I seemed to melt in his arms, the effect on him was probably predictable but it still took my breath away. I felt his cock start to grow in his pants and push more against my panty covered skin just above where my cock was being held captive between my legs.

I was very conscious of the slow movements as his cock began to wake from its slumber.

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