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A Girl Called Eddie

"Carrie won't be home for hours," I said, as soon as I had recovered from the shock of seeing him on the doorstep.

The stud smiled. "I know. It's her so-called sister I wanted to see. Can I come in?"

You can cum in me anytime, honey, I was tempted to respond.

"Of course," I replied, struggling to hide my nervousness.

"Last time I was here, I thought Carrie had a very attractive younger sister," he said as I led him into the lounge.

"Uh, yes, I'm sorry about that," I responded, recalling the look that had crossed his face, when she had told him the truth about me.

"No need to apologize," he assured me. "You're very convincing."

"I'll take that as a compliment," I smiled. "Carrie wouldn't normally spring a nasty surprise like that, but you obviously thought I was the genuine article and I think she was just a little jealous. Wanted to set you straight, before you did something stupid, like want to fuck me."

"She hasn't done a very good job, then," said Eddie. "I still think you're gorgeous. Even more so, now that I know what you really are."

Though I could scarcely believe what I was hearing, I reacted without hesitation.

"You've got some nerve, I must say!" I cried. "You turn up here, cool as a breeze, pay me a couple of cheap compliments and expect me to throw myself at you, like some cheap tranny slut who'll fall for any macho poseur with a nice smile and a big bulge in his pants. Well, you know what you can do, Mister?" I paused for a moment, savoring his shocked expression, then delivered my punchline. "You can do whatever you damn well please with this cheap tranny slut. Just don't stand there staring for too long, in case my conscience gets the better of me."

Adopting a wide legged stance, hands on hips, I moistened my pink glossed lips invitingly, while Eddie took a few seconds to somewhat regain his composure.

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