Free Stories

Eight Inches
Got stranded at my pal Devin’s place this week when it started sleeting like crazy. I decided to wait it out, and wound up bunking on the couch. I couldn’t sleep in my clothes, but I didn’t have anything else to wear so I wound up in nothing but an oversized shirt Dev lent me. A... Read full Story
Theatre Date
I found the greatest place this week! A few weeks ago I was in a small town about a half hour away visiting some friends, and I noticed their town had just restored their old movie theater – the old-fashioned kind with the playbill and the marquee and the lights and everything. They were sh... Read full Story
New Leather
I have a super-sexy new coat! It’s black leather, has lacings and D-rings as detail all over it, a high collar, straps to close it in front, and a red lining. It’s very . . . well, it’s like something out of a vampire movie, so maybe it’s a bit much for everyday wear, but I t... Read full Story
Philippines Shemale
I first met Claire in a video chat room a few months ago. I was looking through the directory of a popular webcam site and found her picture. The petite Asian was shown with her legs spread high above her head and her mouth around the tip of her ten inch penis. Her nickname was TSFantasy and I knew ... Read full Story
The Present
A friend had a birthday this week, the big 3-0, and to celebrate I offered to take some portrait shots of his birthday present to himself: his new tattoo. Ryan isn’t an ink-junkie. Until last week, he only had three tattoos, all tasteful and harmonized: a tribal design on the back of his ne... Read full Story
Perfect combination
Mary had always preferred to go out with girls rather than men. She found girls were more gentle and kind and loving which is what she liked from a relationship. She found that men tended to treat her badly and did not satisfy her in bed either. She was not in a relationship at the moment though, ha... Read full Story
She Male Tube Videos Calmed Me Down After A Fantasy I had In The Bus
I was going back home from a stressful working day. Bus was full of people and I barely managed to get into it. I was tired and stressed out and I couldn't wait to come home and do something that will relax me. Usually, I would fill in a bath tab, drink wine and listen to the music. This time I w... Read full Story
My Shemale Tube Wish Came To Life
My Shemale Tube Wish Came To Life I am one of those guys that likes looking at shemale tube sites and I just get turned on by watching all those videos. Though I have never met a shemale before, my wish grew stronger every day until I decided to do something about it. There was this particular on... Read full Story
My Erotic Free Shemale Porn Movies Sex Scene In The Air
My job as an airline stewardess always keeps me on the move. The fact that I am a shemale limits me to hanging out with a certain group whenever I go to certain cities. Well, one particular night flight, there was a handsome man that pinched me on my ass as I walked by. Normally, I would complain... Read full Story
Kinky Alexander And Our Hot Young Shemale Tube Movie!
Being different is not easy, and it can certainly be a rough ride. But I found my passion and I started making young shemale tube movies. It all started at a bar one night! I didn't want to get attached or have a serious relationship. I was alone and I haven't had sex in a long time, I was aching fo... Read full Story
My Shemale Webcam Tube Date With A Sexy Shemale
I was rushing back home from work because I was suppose to have a date via shemale webcam tube with the sexiest shemale I had ever seen. We met few nights ago and I could just feel the chemistry between us getting stronger. I entered my place, dropped my things on the sofa and turned on the lap-top.... Read full Story
My Naughty She Male Photo Session And A Night To Remember!
He was a photographer that I was supposed to work with on my first she male photo session. Let me tell you about Jamal. He is a strong guy, with the body to die for, and I must say I was fantasizing about him from the moment I saw him. I loved being in front of the camera and I enjoyed every minute ... Read full Story
Perhaps I’ve Read One Too Many Of The Shemales Stories
At the time, I was living in the street that was full of the shemale working girls. I had the opportunity to watch them every night and listen to their amazing shemales stories. After a while, from all those shemales stories I realized that their customers were not after the anal sex as I imagine... Read full Story
My Shemales Webcam Sex Partner Gave Me The Night Of Pleasure I W
It was a warm night and I was in my bed. I was feeling lonely and I wanted to have someone next to me who will give me tenderness I needed. I was tossing and turning and could not fall a sleep. I did not know what to do, so I got up. I went online and while I was looking for movie that I want to ... Read full Story
My Kinky She Male Porn Pictures
I never thought that I would enjoy making shemale porn pictures,but here I am and I must say it's been a crazy ride.I met Mike one night in a bar, and that's how my journey started.Mike was a very sexy and he was a real charmer. When he approached me he didn't know my secret,and I didn't want to ... Read full Story
Sexy She Male Pic And One Passionate Night With Hot Jeff
I am stunning, but I had some difficulties so I was determined to keep my secret. However, I have found a way to express myself, and that's how I met Jeff. I posted my naked she male pic online and started having date invites almost instantly. They were all pretty perverse, and I didn't mind, but I ... Read full Story
Shemale Sex Stories Tell The Truth
You couldn’t help it but to notice when the tall blond came to the party. She was steaming hot, and all the guys turned their heads while all the girls glanced in envy. She was dressed a bit slutty and didn’t seem to mind the looks or the attention. Soon enough, she approached me and tol... Read full Story
Shemale Masturbation Tube Just For Me
I was just coming back from the gym - damn, lights on the parking lot were flickering again - when I heard this noise. I ran and saw a shady looking guy pointing a knife at a woman trying to unlock her car. "Hey", I yelled, "I'm calling the cops and a dozen big dudes are going to be h... Read full Story
Experience The Best From Thailand On Thai Shemale Tube
The chances are that you have probably seen "The Hangover 2", but thought that the shemale scene can happen only in twisted imaginations of Hollywood screenwriters. I am here to prove you wrong. If you don't believe me, go to Thai Shemale Tube and see it for yourselves. My best friend J... Read full Story
Super Shemale Tube At The Waiting Line
The restaurant was crowded - everyone in Boston wanted to be there, and I waited for an hour at the bar, hoping to get a table for one. But was I watched my chances of having dinner crumble to dust and glanced at Super Shemale Tube on my phone's browser, a girl sitting next to me asked "Hey, yo... Read full Story
Shemales Video For My Sexy Pleasure
The flight from LA took all of my strength - a few hours of sitting was not really my thing. Plus, this was a business trip to Boston, endless series of boring meetings where I discussed number and figures, and by the end of the day my head was buzzing; I desperately needed to relax. My laptop was o... Read full Story
Plant Food
Written by: Slayzer Rewritten by: Hobgoblin ~~~ “Where the hell are you, Terry!?” Rebecca snarled, tirelessly searching for her little brother. Rebecca, a pretty sweet sixteen dressed in casual in khakis and a pink T-shirt, was pissed off. It was Saturday night and she’... Read full Story
Black Shemale Videos At Job Interview
Another boring job interview: I had to check endless series of candidates, none of whom were any good. It was just a secretary's position, but all sorts of people came, without having a clue what to do with a computer, pencil or copier. "Next", I yelled nervously, just wanting the day to e... Read full Story
Shemale Free Chat And Sex Adventures
It was another day at work at the mall. Being a security guard wasn't exactly the most exciting job in the world: I'd sit all and maybe get a few calls about some punk kids trying to steal DVDs. I felt like my talents were wasted there - I used to be a competitive bodybuilder, evening getting into f... Read full Story
I started towards the local theater in my Chevy Corsica to see the midnight showing of some sort of vampire movie. I guess it was a love story where this one girl falls in love with a vampire and vice versa. Oh well... supposedly the books were popular, so might as well see what all of the hype is a... Read full Story
Tranny Porno Tube Surprise Party
“Is that some tranny porno tube on your computer?” my roommate asked, catching me once again in action. “NO!” I replied and added “You should really learn how to knock!” I was simply mad because he caught once more. I was about to move in with my girlfriend the... Read full Story
Caught Watching Free Mobile Shemales
I was watching Free Mobile Shemales on my phone browser during my lunch break when the phone rang. Annoyed by the fact that someone is interrupting my free time, I answered angrily "Yes, who is it?". "Wrong number", said a female voice, "Sorry to interrupt you lunch!", ... Read full Story
I Spend Way Too Much Time Looking At Shemale Photo Galleries
It is true, I spend way too much time looking at them, but it's hardly surprising when I regularly get to see some of the unbelievable things that I have seen over the years. There is some seriously amazing sights going on with these shemale photo galleries, and I'm totally addicted to them. The wei... Read full Story
My Erotic She Male Pics Photo Shoot
You know that time when you feel so horny and you want to nail every guy that passes right next to you? Well, I was dealing with that! My body was just burning for some hot, sexy guy that will grab me like no one did before, place me against the wall and fuck so hard that I start screaming out of jo... Read full Story
She Male Photo Gallery Brought My High School Fantasy To Life
A friend of mine from high school came to visit me after many years when I moved into my new apartment in Los Angeles. We were good friends back then and kept in touch, but we went apart due to our careers. He was even one off the first and few people I came out to in high school, so our relationshi... Read full Story
Is it just me?
Well, I don't even know where to begin with this one? But, anyway? I went out with a friend of mine who had a couple of girlfriends that we were to meet at a club that I had never been before? And neither did my friend tell me that he had been there to the club before either. So, when we got into th... Read full Story
He Was Way Too Much Into Shemale Stories
At first I didn’t find it to strange. As far as our sex life was OK, I was totally fine with the fact that my husband reads ten shemale stories a week. Until one night. I came back from a business trip a night to early. I managed to grab the late plane and arrived home sometimes after midni... Read full Story
Choosing From Shemale Pics Gallery
"You into shemales?", asked the man in Amsterdam's Red Light district, "We have everything in De Wallen, just ask", he continued to promote his girls, "Maybe the gentleman would like to watch some shemale pics gallery before making a decision?" And I thought - why not. ... Read full Story
She Male Dating Websites Made My Fantasies Come True
I always wanted to do something crazy and not to think about that. I had the idea in my head that I should find a guy who lives really far away from me, go to his place, have the time of my life and come back home. That sounded easier to say than to do, because I was a she male. Guys were hitting... Read full Story
Shemale Sex Pics Are My Life's Poetry
My younger days are very hard to explain. All I ever wanted to do is to dress in girl's clothes, imagine playing with Barbies and their houses and watching my mom put on her makeup every day before she took me to school. I knew I wanted to become more girl and less boy, but knew nothing about it. ... Read full Story
Shemale Personals Are Not Necessary For Great Fuck
When I was a little boy, the only thing I dreamed of is to become a little girl. My parents supported me 100% and, as soon as I turned 18, I had a breast surgery. My curves came later, after taking all those hormonal pills. At the age of 20, I wanted to go to the very end and have the surgery, but l... Read full Story
Shemale Dating
We arrived late in our hotel room. The date was going well... but I didn't know what to expect, being new in shemale dating - I was excited and a little scared at the same time. She was a beautiful Latina: busty, dark exotic skin, fantastic lips; we couldn't stop kissing each other in the elevator. ... Read full Story
A Great night in by myself
I love dressing up in women's cloths they feel so smooth and sexy against my skin. A backless pinstripe lycra dress shows off my shoulders and back stretched tight over my peachy round buttocks. A little pair of white lace boxers underneath just visible as the skirt rides my thighs when I admire mys... Read full Story
Home Alone With Shemale
I sat alone at my kitchen table. I drank a cup of coffee, smoked a cigarette. I was wondering what to do with my day and then my cellphone rang. It was my girl friend Carla. She asked if it would be okay to stop by, with her new boyfriend. I sensed something in her voice, but I didn’t know ... Read full Story
My First Shemale
Let me tell you a little bit about myself I’m five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I’m an ex-professional boxer. Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the ... Read full Story
New Girl in Town
Margo sat next to me in the coffee shop late that Saturday afternoon. His real name was Mark, but he was one of the loveliest Drag Queens in New York City. I had been dressing secretly at home in my mother’s and sister’s clothes for just over three years, but at 18 years old, I had never... Read full Story
Office Fun - Part 2
Marcia was sitting in the car park of the office, about to leave having just finished work, when she saw Lee walk out of the building and head towards his car. It had been four days since they had fucked in the office, and she was eager for a second round. She checked herself in the rear view mirror... Read full Story
How I Used To Cum On Shemale Webcam
I like being a shemale and doing webcam shows. A lot of guys out there would never admit it, but they really like my sort - best of both worlds, so to say: tits, asses and cocks in one convenient package. And shemale webcam was also a lot of fun - I could play with myself as much as I liked and dude... Read full Story
My Shemale Cams Extravaganza With The Boys
It was a beautiful late night and I decided to take a stroll home after work. Home was literally about 10 minutes away and I loved the feeling of the late night breeze in my hair. The day was long and daunting. All I could think about was the shemale cams videos I viewed while at work. While most... Read full Story
Shemale Cam Made Me Explode
I really thought it would be just another quick cam session. I logged on to my computer, chose a girl and started talking. But after a while, she told me she's a shemale - then I realized I'm in the shemale cam section. I replied that it's ok - hell, I'm all about trying new things and broadening ho... Read full Story
Hot And Horny Meeting
I was invited to chat to a bunch of women who were interested in the female body and how it's reproductive system worked. They had put in a request for information on how the lactation process worked and what would be the best hormones needed for a healthy lifestyle. Most functions I attend are f... Read full Story
Exotic Erotic Janaina
As the music played in the background, Janaína, the lovely Brazilian babe and her partner slow danced together. Their bodies moved almost as one and from across the room a tall handsome older man looked on. Behind his glass of wine he admired them, the way they moved together, the way his coc... Read full Story
A Girl Called Eddie
Carrie had always treated me like her little sister, even though we were only third cousins. Though she was only two years older than I was and not of exceptional physical stature, I had allowed her to dominate me for as long as I could remember. Not that she was exceptionally cruel or abusive in an... Read full Story
Traci the Maid
Traci had gotten a job as a maid in a rich man's house. She looked just like any blond 26-year old woman - long legs, slender waist and high size C breasts. She had a heart-shaped face and giggled at all the right times. Only Traci had a secret that nobody at her knew job knew about - she had a 6... Read full Story
Me and a transvestite man part 2
OK this is the second part of my true story. I was going to leave it at two parts, but I think there's enough to make it three parts, now! I think I'd best point out that beyond the (I'm told) common early sexual experiences most straight men have as youngsters, with other men of their age, I'd n... Read full Story
My Apartment
I live in an apartment in Buckhead on the 14th floor of a high rise. A large two bedroom that faces the city of Atlanta. I had been a large mall in the city yesterday and once again was looking at the magazines in a large store on Peachtree Street. One of the sales clerks and I were talking about... Read full Story
My First Encounter With A Shemale Escort Part 1
I was feeling extra horny as I walked up the stairs to the apartment. Knocking on the door I heard a voice from within say "come in". The door was unlocked, so I walked into the hallway which led to the lounge. Seeing no-one around I called out "hello", to which a reply came &quo... Read full Story
My First Encounter With A Shemale Escort Part 2
"Go on push it in", I managed to say through my clenched teeth. "As you wish", Crystal replied and the pressure increased as her cock began to slowly stretch my anus ring and slide inside me. She kept pushing until finally the full length of her shaft was inside me and I could fe... Read full Story
My First Encounter With A Shemale Escort Part 3
Crystal stood up and moved towards the bed. She sat down on the end and beckoned me towards her. Her cock still stood semi-erect between her toned thighs. I made my way towards her and as I did so she lay back, raising her legs in the air. She told me to kneel between her legs so I could fuck her in... Read full Story
From Gloryhole Peegasm to Shemale
I was in a porn video booth. I young guy stepped into the next one. I was already jerking my small dick, but he didn't even pull his pants down. He asked me if I wanted my dick sucked. Actually I think he said something like, "hey, let me suck your dick." Recently I had let some weird, ... Read full Story
First time with a Tranny
My first tranny I had was back after I graduated from high school. I was working with her/him at a Wal-Mart store. We got along pretty good then we started to date, I was living on my own so we usually go to my apartment. I had no clue she had a cock, she was a very beautiful woman with size B tits.... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 10
Buffy Summers was certainly no virgin. She'd lost her virginity to Angel, a vampire, thereby releasing him from the Gypsy curse that, as punishment for his having brutally killed the favorite daughter of their tribe, had restored his soul, that his conscience might torment him as he recalled the tho... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 11
Darkness had fallen upon the demon world. In the intermittent flashes of lightning that resulted from Willow's weather spell, the landscape was illuminated, and the horrible phallus-plants were revealed, writhing and thrashing. The cock-stalks within Buffy's mouth, cunt, and ass, and the hollow tubu... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 12
The demons found exits in the walls or floor, vanishing between chinks of stone or through hidden grates or into holes they'd dug for themselves over the long centuries of their residence-or imprisonment-in Baphomet's palace. Only one remained. "My former consort, Baubo," Baphomet intro... Read full Story
Weekend visitor recalling of an experience dressed in a swimsuit didnt seem too popular so perhaps you may prefare the story of a weekend visitor I once had. It was 1981 and I had just got my own place, a nice modern 1 bed flat.Apart from bedsits as a teen this was my first real place of my own. In these... Read full Story
She was male
Near my home, a red light is the hub of prostitution in the town. Personally, I have no interest in having a prostitute but some of these sluts are nasty and attractive. Among them there was a tall blond green-eyed chick whom I had a special feeling to her. She had such a sex appeal that I could not... Read full Story
Shemale Surprise
I'm a country boy. About a year ago I left my small town and moved to the city so I could attend university. Initially, I had nowhere to stay so I was going to move into my cousin Mike's flat for a few days with him and his room mate, Sandy till I found somewhere of my own. Mike and Sandy worked tog... Read full Story
Shemale Bitch Part 1
Hi there, First let me introduce myself. My name is Garry, I am 20 year old white guy with brown hair, and stand 5ft 10. I am British, but I had been living in the US for several months now, and this is a story about myself and a young shemale called Nikki. I first met Nikki when I was at ... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 14
"Let's get this over with," Buffy suggested. "The sooner we start, the sooner I kick your demon ass." Baphomet smiled. "You will fuck the witch," he said, "while I fuck you." Buffy shook her head. "Willow's my best friend. I can't-" "Th... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 15
The Slayer looked at the witch's ass. It was beautiful, she thought. Round and smooth and creamy white, each buttock seemed a half moon. Willow's impaled anus showed within the deep cleavage between the silken globes, its rim riding the stiff cylinder of Buffy's cock as she plunged it into the witch... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 16
The building shook, and great sections of walls, floors, ceilings, stairs, and buttresses split, crumbled, and fell. Baphomet tried to rise, but he seemed weaker. He struggled to his knees, hacking and wheezing. He stood, but swayed. "Slut." Saying this one-syllable word seemed to take ... Read full Story
My first time with a shemale
Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer. Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking l... Read full Story
Mood Hair
Today, I want to talk, as it were, about hair and how it enhances facial expressions and, therefore, personality. Too often, writers of erotic fiction overlook this means of helping to characterize their shemale (and female) characters. However, when hair, whether blonde, brown, black, red, or some ... Read full Story
A Couple And A Shemale Encounter
Not long ago I was sitting home alone on a Friday night with nothing much to do and feeling horny so I decided to go out. I showered, misted myself with my favorite perfume, put on a sexy black bra, rolled on a silky new pair of jet black sheer to waist pantyhose, slipped into a tight, very short, l... Read full Story
Father In Law Shemale Adventure
My wife's parents were visiting LA from back east. We live in a small one-bedroom apartment in the valley. She wanted them to stay with us but we didn't have room. They got a room in West Hollywood. My wife and her mom had gone shopping for the day. I was supposed to be at work but at the last momen... Read full Story
Electric Shock
I'm glad you enjoyed my story. I have been dressing for many years, and it's only lately that I thought I'd share some of my experiences with other cd's I am NOT convincing; all the stories in Nifty seem to be by gorgeous she-males who cannot be distinguished from the real thing. Much as I woul... Read full Story
First Time With Shemale
For as long as I can remember, I've preferred my chicks with dicks. There's something about a sexy babe with perfect makeup and hair and a cock that just turns me on. Maybe that makes me a pervert - I don't care! I remember I was just out of high school, 18, the first time I made it with a tranny. S... Read full Story
Shemale Gangbang
I am not your average female. But I guess I am not your average male either. You see, I am a tranny. I make a really hot woman. I am 5'10", am slim and have dark, wavy hair that comes down to tight between my shoulder blades. The only thing I was missing was beautiful tits. So I got those as we... Read full Story
My Window Cleaner
My wife had gone away for a few days, so I decided to indulge in a favourite pastime, which I don't often get chance to do. First I took a long hot bath, and shaved very carefully, removing all my body hair, including my pubes and anal hair. I towelled myself dry, and began to dress. I'd been o... Read full Story
Shemale Fantasy
I had wanted to be with a she-male for some time. I had purchased several she-male DVDs and found that being with someone as sexy as that really turned me on. I would fantasize for hours on end about being with one of those 'special' girls. Several of my male lovers couldn't understand my attraction... Read full Story
Bangkok Hilton
A straight guy for 34 years, I had always harbored a special interest in shemales. Not that I would ever admit it publicly. And that's how I met her, in an internet chat room. Cyberspace, where one can indulge in every fantasy in complete privacy. I was in the Big Apple and she in Bangkok. We chatte... Read full Story
by a Shemale Part 2
I was awaken early Monday morning when Felicia lightly kissed me on the cheeks and said it was time to start my hormone regimen. I looked at her and she had her left hand opened and she had a white pill and in her right hand a glass of water. I was no longer fighting or resisting especiall... Read full Story
The Shemale As A Figure in Art
The writer of shemale erotic fiction is doubly blessed-and doubly cursed-because he or she has to describe the best of both worlds: both female faces, breasts, legs, buttocks, and anus and penis, testicles, and scrotum. Although, overall, his or her protagonist must be not only feminine but, usu... Read full Story
Seduced Willingly Part 2
She must have had on lacy silky panties, but cause as she picked up the rythm doing my back and lower back with her hands, her cock was slowing sliding up and down. I was literally having butterflies, I was probably trembling in my thighs and precum was leaking out of me like a faucet. I was more tu... Read full Story
Jenna & Stephen Part 1
Jenna and I have been friends for nearly 15 years. We dated ever so briefly about 12 years ago, but nothing more than kissing and heavy petting occurred before she decided it wasn't going to work out. At the time I was heart-broken, but looking back now, I realize she was correct that we weren't rig... Read full Story